News Relevant to Family & Health

and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
If everyone employed just a little bit of more brainpower, even this covid19 would cease to exist within 2 weeks at most.
The PCR test and treatment for Covid19.
NB; Don't worry about a positive test, and don't celebrate a negative test.
Follow these principals:
1. Everyone with symtoms of Covid19 should be treated for Covid19 even if their test is negative. The PCR test has a 30% false negative rate.
2. If you don't have symptoms, you don't need treatment for Covid19 even if your test is positive.
The PCR test does not detect the virus, but the genetic material of the virus.
A positive test without symptoms could mean old healed disease or a very mild asymptomatic disease that your immune system has overcome.
3. Don't bother repeating your test after treatment. The test may remain positive many weeks after you have healed. As explained above, the test detects genetic material of the virus, not the actual virus.
Ivermectin out- patient treament protocal for an adult with Covid19
a) NB: Ivermectin should not be taken by a pregnant/breastfeeding mother. For those, we propose a different protocol.
b) The protocols may change with time due to evolving experience & new evidence.
1. Ivermectin 12mg dissolved in half a glass of water and taken after a meal, then repeat another 12mg in 5 days.
2. Azithromycin 500 mg once a day for 3 days.
3. Vit D3 (Devit 3 - 300,000iu/ml orally once. (If you get a different dose, please ask the pharmacist how to take it)
4. Steaming twice a day for 7 days. Take 10 deep breaths through the mouth and out through the nose and another 10 breaths this time through the nose and out through the mouth.
5. Paracetamol 1gm 4 times a day for three days if in pain or feverish.
6. Monitor oxygen levels twice a day and if they drop below 90% go to hospital urgently for admission and inpatient treatment as you may need oxygen support.
Covid19 treatment for pregnant and breast feeding mothers.
NB: The protocols may change with time due to evolving experience new evidence.
1. Hydroxychloroquine 200mg twice a day for 5 days.
2. Zinc Sulphate 40mg once a day for 5 days
3. Azithromycin 500 mg once a day for 3 days.
4. Vit D3 (Devit 3 - 300,000iu/ml orally once. (If you get a different dose, please ask the pharmacist how to take it)
5. Steaming twice a day for 7 days. Take 10 deep breaths through the mouth and out through the nose and another 10 breaths this time through the nose and out through the mouth.
6. Paracetamol 1gm 4 times a day for three days if in pain or feverish.or
Aspirin 75mg once a day.
6. Monitor oxygen levels twice a day and if they drop below 90% go to hospital urgently for admission and inpatient treatment as you may need oxygen support. Monitor oxygen levels at least twice a day.
Happy hypoxia
This is when oxygen levels go below 90 without difficult in breathing. By the time difficulty in breathing starts, the patient has severe hypoxia.
Preventive treatment for persons with higher risks of developing sever Covid19 infections.
This include:
1. 60+ years old
3. Cancer
4. Chronic illness e.g. Diabetes, Hypertension, kidney failure, heart diseases etc.
1. Ivermectin 12mg dissolved in half a glass of water and taken after a meal weekly for four weeks. This covers them for an additional 8 weeks without taking any more Ivermectin. By then, the crisis will be over.
2. Vit D3 (Devit 3 - 300,000iu/ml orally once. (If you get a different dose, please ask the pharmacist how to take it).
3. If in the same house as a person on treatment for Covid19, add steaming twice a day for 7 days. Take 10 deep breaths through the mouth and out through the nose and another 10 breaths this time through the nose and out through the mouth.
Let us preserve the Zelenko protocol for the pregnant and breast feeding mother's - we cannot afford to have those drugs going out of stock.
Please don't put any person who is not high risk on prophylaxis. With availble treatment and considering that only 90% of the infected are developing symptoms and therefore at risk, the general population, including pregnant and breast feeding women don't need prophylaxis.
Mild infection is helping us to develop immunity.
Dr Wahome Ngare - KCDA
27th March 2021
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It was humbling to see the torch of LVI shining further to the ends of the Continent with the founder, Ms. Catherine Njore, was featured in the Association of Catholic Information in Africa news after an interview by Agnes Aineah in an article entitled This is a Spiritual Warfare, Kenyan Pro-lifer on Abortion, Youth Challenges. Click here to get the full article...
The Kenya Catholic Doctors' Association (KCDA) gave some recommendation as a containment measure to the ravaging covid19 virus. The Association, through their National Chairman, Dr. Stephen Kimotho Karanja, in a statement dated 3rd of March, 2021, suggested the use of certain available and cheaper drugs to prevent and also for early treatment in order that the virus may be defeated. They expressed confidence that with this mechanism, no more lives shall be lost and covid19 will soon be a thing of the past. The doctors confessed having tried the medication and proved it to be extremely effective.
The drugs include:
- Steaming 2 to 3 times a day. This reduces inflammation and eases secretions.
- Ivermectin 12mg (0.2-0.3mg/kg/day) on development of symptoms then repeat in 7 days. The same dose is useful for prophylaxis for those in high risk of contracting the virus.
- Zalenko protocol: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) 200mg twice a day taken with zinc 40mg once a day and Azithromycin 500mg once a day all for a total of 7 days.
The doctors said that with this treatment readily avialable, the vaccine might be totally unnecessary since its long term effects remain unknown.
The full statement can be found here: KCDA Advisory to Kenyans

The information in the above image was shared on social media. LVI doesn't take any responsibility about it's authenticity. Neither does LVI know the doctor who has signed there.